Complete B-List At The Very Beginning Of Invite Planning
Start thinking about your guest list…
Are your guests who are your immediate family members, close friends, our ride or die must haves
Are your guests who you would like to invite but aren’t as essential to you as your A list guests are
Are the guests who are on the back burner until you get the no’s from your a and b list. These guests can be colleague who you might need to make sure you meet your minimum.
Remember Your RSVP Date
Think about who is an absolute must, and who would you love to include if only you had the room? Build your B-List as soon as you solidify the A-List, and get their invitations ready so you can send them the minute the RSVPs start coming in (make sure to order enough invites, too!).
Mail your A-List invitations around 12 weeks in advance, which will give you plenty of time to see who can’t make it and get those B-List invites in the mail. But still keep the one month RSVP deadline. Etiquette states that the RSVP deadline should be around three weeks before your wedding date, with invitations getting mailed six to eight weeks in advance (giving guests plenty of time to check their calendars and mail back their RSVP cards).

Organize Intentionally
Make your B-List organized and with structure (put in order of priority). For example, if 10 people from your A-List RSVP ‘no,’ you’ll want to know who the first 10 people on the B-List are, so you can send them an invitation.”
Of course, you’ll want the RSVP deadline to match up with the timeline of the invitation. Print two sets to make this easier. The first, going out with the A-List invitations, should have an RSVP deadline around eight weeks before your wedding (giving guests four weeks to receive and reply to your invitation).
The second, going out with the B-List invitations, should have an RSVP deadline around three weeks before your wedding. Even if you find out two weeks later you’ve got five more spots you could fill, leave it be. It’s those straggling invitations that go out a week before the RSVP deadline that will tip your guests off to the multiple guest lists
Keep It Top Secret
Be respectful and remember to keep your B-List on the DL. Guests who weren’t invited the first time around will likely feel like they’re playing second-fiddle, and feelings are sure to be hurt. Keep the A-list and B-list to yourselves, and let guests respond when their invitations arrive.

Keep Groups Of Friends And Family Together
Similarly to the above recommendation, ensure that your B-list is kept secret by thinking about your social groups. If you’re inviting one co-worker, you should invite the others at the same time. The same is true for groups of friends and families. If one person receives an invitation, it’s safe to assume the others will hear about it.
Make Sure The B-List Is An Understanding Group
To avoid any potential frustration or arguments, be sure the B-List is comprised of understanding people. That person who is just gunning to go to your wedding and won’t stop talking about it might not be the best fit. B-Listers should be people who understand that they’re a friend of yours, but not your bestie; they should be the people who would love to join if they’re invited but won’t put pressure on you.